David Drum the writer grew up in Kansas, Missouri, California, and North Carolina. Mr. Drum has worked as an independent writer since 1978 and currently lives in Los Angeles.
In addition to his work as a writer, Mr. Drum has worked as a ranch foreman, a funeral director, an inner-city schoolteacher, a Hollywood prop assistant, a craps dealer, an encyclopedia salesman, a construction man, and a hot tamale vendor in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Mr. Drum has written nonfiction books and novels and he is also the author of Facade (a bunch of poems) published by Michael Lally's O Press in New York. His poems were included in the anthology None of the Above: New Poets of the 1970s, published by Crossing Press. Artist's books by Burning Books Press have also been acquired by several university and museum collections including the Museum of Modern Art Library.
Mr. Drum's commercial writing experience includes stints as a newspaper reporter and advertising copywriter. He worked as an editor and correspondent for several national trade magazines and newspapers and news services including The San Francisco Chronicle and Dow Jones News Service.
A quick study, Mr. Drum writes articles, speeches, media kits, corporate video, audio and audio-visual productions, brochures, press releases, museum shows, interactive media copy, textbooks, website copy, and print, radio and TV advertising spots. He has earned awards for feature writing and advertising copywriting.
As an independent writer, Mr. Drum's more than one thousand magazine and newspaper credits include publications in People, Advertising Age, California Business, Los Angeles, The California Journal, Cavalier, Dow Jones Capital Markets, Inside Detective, Men’s Health, The Hollywood Reporter, Los Angeles Times Magazine, The LA Weekly, Southern California Business, The San Francisco Chronicle, McClatchy newspapers, Bloomberg News Service, Variety, Sunset and USA Today. Ghostwritten articles have appeared in Barron's, California Lawyer, and The New England Journal of Medicine. Freelance writing and photography for the University of California, Advertising Age, Cerritos College, and Victor Valley College. Five magazine covers.
David Drum served as the president of the Independent Writers of Southern California for two years. He is also a member of the Authors Guild.
"Having done a great deal of reading and research in the area of health, I try to apply what I've learned about wellness to keep myself as healthy as possible. I am striving to maintain good health as long as I can, or until the end of my life," he says. "I eat as nutritiously as I can, work to minimize stress in my life, and exercise regularly. I eat a great deal of fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and I grow some of food myself. I see a medical doctor for regular checkups, and I have benefited from alternative therapies such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and several of the mind-body therapies. I do some volunteer work in my community and hang out with my friends, activities that help balance out a somewhat solitary writing life. Most days, I can balance the mental work of writing with some real physical work, which is easy enough for me since something always needs attention around my old house or garden."
Mr. Drum received an A.A. in liberal arts from Brevard College, where he was elected student body president. He received a B.A. in English literature from the University of California at Riverside, and an M.F.A. in creative writing from the University of Iowa's Writer's Workshop. Graduate courses in business, art, investing, and education.
Mr. Drum has also acted and danced in a music video, produced small multi-media events, and been a county chairman for two political campaigns.
"You did a great job on this. And, you hardly need any line editing (I love that!)"
--Diana Baroni, Senior Editor, Warnerbooks
“Mr. Drum proved to be not only an outstanding writer, but demonstrated an ability to grasp complex industry issues and convert them into interesting, readable material."
--Kevin Foley, Account Supervisor, Burson-Marsteller
"I don't think there will be any extensive rewrites."
-- Bud Speery, acquisitions editor, Lowell House Books
"David Drum came through with flying colors.”
--Diane Newton, Account Executive, Fletcher/Mayo/Associates
“This letter is to affirm that David Drum worked as part of a writing team for me last year on a very long and difficult writing project. I found David to be honest, hard-working, ethical, and a self-starter.”
--Robert A. Moskowitz, producer, Crown Communications Group
“I have just finished reading your finished script for our film, FOOD: MORE FOR YOUR MONEY, and want to commend you on doing such a fine job with a difficult subject. You have a real talent for incorporating basically mundane material into a lively and interesting style.”
-- Alfred Higgins, producer, Alfred Higgins Productions
"The copy was creative, descriptive, and well written. He delivered on schedule, and on budget. It was required that each ad be a specific number of words to fit a predetermined ad layout. David was able to write within this structure.”
-- Patricia Carroll, National Manager, Advertising and Public Relations, Kubota Tractor Corporation
“David Drum worked independently over a period of several months, met his deadlines, and produced a substantial amount of copy. We found his work satisfactory, and I can recommend him as a competent and responsible writer.”
--John H. Hummel, Manager, Course Development, Gemological Institute of America
“Susan and I would like to thank you, via this official, albeit belated, “mash note,” for your fine pair of articles for us in both the June and July/August issues. From modern telephone technology to modern art “vandalism” laws (or from KSUs to Calder) is quite a range, but you managed to convey a lot of information on both fronts with style and wit and a deft display of expertise. We’re glad to have your distinctive voice in the magazine.”
-- Lauren Milicov, Associate Editor, Los Angeles Lawyer
"You have been unbelievably patient, and I appreciate it."
-- Michele Pezzuti, Senior Editor, McGraw-Hill
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Contact: David Drum